Employer Programs
Employee Coaching Assistance Program (E.C.A.P)
The Be Better E.C.A.P. Program is a great resource for employers to provide assistance, support, and guidance to their teams.
Employees are given the contact information to a certified coach and can set up confidential coaching sessions to help them navigate through personal and professional challenges.
Common topics include life balance, time management, Health Coaching, and conflict resolution to name a few.
School Programs
Student Coaching Assistance Program (SCAP)
The Be Better S.C.A.P. program was designed to be a resource that schools and universities can provide to students that are in need of guidance, direction, and support.
Students are given the contact information for a certified coach and can schedule confidential coaching sessions to help them navigate through their daily challenges.
There is no retainer fee for this service and invoices are only issued when a coaching session is performed.