"Today I will be better"
The "Be Better" Philosophy
Hi! My name is Michael Matarazzo and I am the Founder of Be Better Culinary Perspectives. I would like to take a moment to explain my "Be Better" philosophy and how I apply it not only to the services that BBCP offers, but to my everyday life. We all have a story and each one is a unique roller coaster of ups and downs. How we react to the "downs" is what often defines our trajectory. A business is no different. Especially a food service operation. Although my earlier years are not filled with stories of economic hardship and struggle, they do contain a fair amount of failure and an extreme lack of focus. Truth be told, my failures and struggles were self inflicted and my only true skill was the ability to convince myself and everyone around me that I was doing great! In reality, I had no idea what I was doing. The complete story is far too long for this explanation but is one that I am happy to share during my lectures and workshops if asked to do so.
It is natural for a food service operation to measure success by the bottom line or guest satisfaction. Why would we be concerned as long as we are generating a healthy profit and consistently filling the dining room? The "Be Better" philosophy is about separating the operation into all of its parts and identifying the behind the scenes elements that are working harder than they need to or, not working at all. There are countless stories of food service operations that went from successful to suffering without changing any of their practices. Often times this happens because of the complacency that can result from success. Think of it as a preventative maintenance plan for your business. Instead of only looking at the P&L and comment cards, a business might ask questions like, "how can we create a better environment and lifestyle for our team?" "What can we do to work more efficiently" or "how can we enhance the technical knowledge and skills of our culinary team?" BBCP is here to provide answers to these questions. I am in the hospitality industry and I have devoted my life to serving others. My vision for BBCP is to use the "Be Better" philosophy as a tool to help businesses, and the teams that work so hard for them to see the power and success that can be generated and sustained from the sheer will to "Be Better".